
Archive for the ‘特許訴訟’ Category


サファイアのサプライヤーである GT Advanced の破産裁判が微妙な展開を見せているが、日本でも島野製作所がアップルに対して電源アダプタの特許訴訟を起こしている。


日本の中小企業が訴えたアップルの“横暴”の内幕(ダイヤモンド・オンライン) | Yahoo!ファイナンス

続報アップルvs島野製作所 証拠メールが暴く事の顛末|ダイヤモンド・オンライン

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アップル対サムスン裁判に関する Vanity Fair 6月号の記事(Kurt Eichenwald)がじつに強烈で興味深い。

Vanity Fair: “The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung” by Kurt Eichenwald: June 2014

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2011 年3月のある日、韓国独禁法規制当局の捜査官を乗せた車がソウルの南25マイルにあるサムスンのスウォン(水原)工場に乗り付けた。彼らはこのビルを急襲して、携帯電話の価格協定をした疑いでサムスンと携帯電話会社の癒着の証拠を捜索しようとしていた。

One day in March 2011, cars carrying investigators from Korea’s anti-trust regulator pulled up outside a Samsung facility in Suwon, about 25 miles south of Seoul. They were there ready to raid the building, looking for evidence of possible collusion between the company and wireless operators to fix the prices of mobile phones.


Before the investigators could get inside, security guards approached and refused to let them through the door. A standoff ensued, and the investigators called the police, who finally got them inside after a 30-minute delay. Curious about what had been happening in the plant as they cooled their heels outside, the officials seized video from internal security cameras. What they saw was almost beyond belief.


Upon getting word that investigators were outside, employees at the plant began destroying documents and switching computers, replacing the ones that were being used — and might have damaging material on them — with others.


A year later, Korean newspapers reported that the government had fined Samsung for obstructing the investigation at the facility. At the time, a legal team representing Apple was in Seoul to take depositions in the Samsung case, and they read about the standoff. From what they heard, one of the Samsung employees there had even swallowed documents before the investigators were allowed in. That certainly didn’t bode well for Apple’s case; how, the Apple lawyers said half-jokingly among themselves, could they possibly compete in a legal forum with employees who were so loyal to the company that they were willing to eat incriminating evidence?

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・・・様々な裁判記録やサムスンとの仕事をしたひとたちによれば、ライバルの特許を無視するのはこの韓国の会社にとって決して珍しいことではないという。ひとたび捕まったときは、アップル裁判で使われたのと同じ戦術を使うのだ。すなわち、逆に告訴する、遅延させる、敗訴したら遅延させる、控訴する、そして負けが近づけば和解するというものだ。「特許の所有権者が誰であれ、どんな特許でもいずれはサムスンは使いたいと思うのだ」とサムスンとのケースを担当した特許弁護士 Sam Baxter は語る。「自分はスウェーデンのテレコム会社 Ericsson の代理をしたが、命運がかかっているとしたら彼らはウソはつけない。サムスンの代理もしたが、命運がかかっているとしたら、彼らは本当のことはいわないのだ。」

[…] According to various court records and people who have worked with Samsung, ignoring competitors’ patents is not uncommon for the Korean company. And once it’s caught it launches into the same sort of tactics used in the Apple case: countersue, delay, lose, delay, appeal, and then, when defeat is approaching, settle. “They never met a patent they didn’t think they might like to use, no matter who it belongs to,” says Sam Baxter, a patent lawyer who once handled a case for Samsung. “I represented [the Swedish telecommunications company] Ericsson, and they couldn’t lie if their lives depended on it, and I represented Samsung and they couldn’t tell the truth if their lives depended on it.”


Samsung executives say that the pattern of suit-countersuit criticized by some outsiders misrepresents the reality of the company’s approach to patent issues. Because it is one of the largest patent holders in the world, the company often finds others in the technology industry have taken its intellectual property, but it chooses not to file lawsuits to challenge those actions. However, once Samsung itself is sued, the executives say, it will use countersuits as part of a defense strategy.

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6000 語をこえる長文のこの記事は、「訴えられたら訴え返す」という法廷戦術で日本などのライバルを完全に席巻していった様子を詳述する。

こんなスゴい記事は初めてだと John Gruber をしていわしめるほどだ。

Daring Fireball: “The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung” by John Gruber: 05 May 2014

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Eichenwald’s is the best overview of the Apple-Samsung rivalry I’ve seen; nothing else even comes close.

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Daring Fireball: “Jury Awards Apple a Nice Bag of Peanuts in Samsung Patent Case” by John Gruber: 03 May 2014

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Ina Fried[Recode]によれば:

Ina Fried, Recode:


A federal jury in the Apple-Samsung case delivered a mixed verdict Friday.

さまざまなサムスン製品の特許権侵害に対し、陪審員団はアップルが提起した2つの特許権侵害を認めるとともに、第3の特許については1億 1960 万ドルの損害賠償を認めた。しかしながらその他の2件については認めなかった。またアップルが特許侵害したとして、サムスンに対しても15万 8400 千ドルの損害賠償を認めた。

The panel ruled that various Samsung products infringed on two patents that Apple had sued over in its latest patent case and found damages on a third patent, awarding more than $119.6 million in damages. However, it found Apple did not infringe on two other patents and also awarded Samsung $158,400, saying Apple infringed on a Samsung patent.

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アップルにとってカネが問題だったことは一度もない。たとえ満額の22億ドルを勝ち取ったとしても、本当のところアップルにとってポスト PC マーケットという大きな意味では大したカネではない。1億2千万ドルは巨額ではないかって? どちらの会社にとってもはした金だ。

It was never about the money for Apple. Even if Apple had been awarded the full $2.2 billion it asked for, the truth is that’s just not that much money in the grand scheme of the post-PC market. But $120 million? That’s chump change to either company.

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It’s hard to see how anything related to this verdict would give Samsung pause before copying Apple in the future. The financial penalty was a mere pittance, and in terms of public perception, they clearly had no shame to begin with.

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That said, I still don’t think Apple has any regrets about pursuing this case. It’s about the message it sends to all competitors, not just Samsung: We are irrationally protective of our work, and if you wrong us, we will go after you.

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同じ Lucy Koh 裁判官の下でアップルが歴史的勝利を収めたのはつい2年前のことだった。


Gruber のいうとおりだとしても、特許制度とは高くつくものらしい・・・

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