
Posts Tagged ‘Streaming’


It’s official: Spotify is Taylor Swift-proof | Quartz

In other words, since Taylor Swift, arguably the most popular pop star on the planet right now, decided to withdraw her entire catalog from the service in November, Spotify has increased both paying and total users by 20%.

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テイラー・スウィフトが Spotify からカタログを引き揚げたのは、彼女を育てたレコード会社 Big Machine Records の CEO Scott Borchetta の影響だった。

Meet the man behind Taylor Swift’s war on Spotify | Quartz

Borchetta, 52, is the CEO of Big Machine Records, Taylor Swift’s record label. And lately he’s been making it abundantly clear to anyone listening that he heavily influenced Swift’s decision last week to pull her entire back catalog from Spotify.

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ストリーミングからの撤退が Spotify とレコード会社 Big Machine との争いになってきている

Taylor Swift’s Spotify Paycheck Mystery | TIME

Taylor Swift’s record label rejects Spotify figures | BBC News

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Taylor Swift Epic 1989 Times Square Concert On GMA

[Taylor Swift:Rolling Stone

孫娘がテイラー・スウィフト(Taylor Swift)の熱狂的なファン — いわゆる「Swifties」 だ。


幼稚園の孫娘までその影響を受けて、新曲 “Shake It Off” を一生懸命ピアノで練習している。



Taylor Swift Shuns ‘Grand Experiment’ of Streaming Music | Rolling Stone

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Spotify をやめた理由

「音楽は急速に変化しています。音楽をとりまく状況も急速に変化しています。ですからすべてが — Spotify のように — 新しく、大きな実験のような感じがします」とテイラーはいう。「私としては、自分のライフワークをそんな実験に捧げようとは思いません。自分の音楽の作曲家やプロデューサー、アーチスト、クリエイターに対して正当な対価を支払わないそんな実験に・・・。また私は、音楽には価値がなく、無料にすべきという考えにも組することができません。」

“Music is changing so quickly, and the landscape of the music industry itself is changing so quickly, that everything new, like Spotify, all feels to me a bit like a grand experiment,” Swift said. “And I’m not willing to contribute my life’s work to an experiment that I don’t feel fairly compensates the writers, producers, artists and creators of this music. And I just don’t agree with perpetuating the perception that music has no value and should be free.”

「多くのひとから新曲 “Shake It Off” を Spotify に出すように勧められました。自分としてはオープンでしたから『やってみよう、どんな感じか試してみよう』と思いました。その結果は正しいとは思えなかったのです。・・・ですからやり方を変えようと決心しました。」

“A lot of people were suggesting to me that I try putting new music on Spotify with ‘Shake It Off,’ and so I was open-minded about it,” Swift said. “I thought, ‘I will try this. I’ll see how it feels.’ It didn’t feel right to me.”

[…] “So I decided to change the way I was doing things,” she said.

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インタビューの別の部分でテイラーは、なぜシングルをいろいろ出さずに、アルバムを書くことに大きく精力を注ぐのか説明している。「短いものをたくさん書くより長編小説を書きたいというのが私の気持ちです。私としては自分が作曲した歌のコレクション — 私と共に過ごし、生き、私のものであったそんな曲を集めたもの — で有名になりたいのです。これはもともと2年に一度の私の人生を投入したものです。このアルバムが他のひとたちの2年の人生にとってもいいものであって欲しいと全力を投入しました。アルバムは自分の生い立ちを明らかにするものであり、私の人生を明らかにするものなのです。」

Elsewhere in the interview, Swift explained why she focuses on writing albums rather than putting out a series of singles. “I’d really much rather write a novel than a bunch of short stories,” she said. “I’d rather be known for a collection of songs that go together and live together and belong together. These are essentially installments of my life, two years at a time, and I work really hard to make sure that those installments are good enough to also apply to other people’s lives in two-year periods of time. Albums defined my childhood, and they’ve defined my life.”

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John McDuling はダウンロードやストリーミングに立ち向かうテイラーの姿をつぎのようにいっている。

Why Taylor Swift is the most important artist of the millennial era | Quartz


彼女の最近の動きは、音楽というものがどうあるべきかというコンセプトを守るためのたった独りの闘いのように思える。音楽はカネを出して借りるのではなく、買われて然るべきもの — それも出来ればまとめて「アルバム」として買われるべきものだというコンセプトの・・・

But it looks like this is the latest step in a one-woman crusade to defend the concept that music should be bought, rather than rented, preferably in the bundle known as the “album.” Never mind that album sales have been in a steady decline, ever since the internet made it possible to access music illegally or legitimately download individual songs.

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Taylor Swift Epic 1989 Times Square Concert On GMA

Taylor Swift Shuns ‘Grand Experiment’ of Streaming Music | Rolling Stone

Spotify について:

“Music is changing so quickly, and the landscape of the music industry itself is changing so quickly, that everything new, like Spotify, all feels to me a bit like a grand experiment,” Swift said. “And I’m not willing to contribute my life’s work to an experiment that I don’t feel fairly compensates the writers, producers, artists and creators of this music. And I just don’t agree with perpetuating the perception that music has no value and should be free.”


Elsewhere in the interview, Swift explained why she focuses on writing albums rather than putting out a series of singles. “I’d really much rather write a novel than a bunch of short stories,” she said. “I’d rather be known for a collection of songs that go together and live together and belong together. These are essentially installments of my life, two years at a time, and I work really hard to make sure that those installments are good enough to also apply to other people’s lives in two-year periods of time. Albums defined my childhood, and they’ve defined my life.”

Why Taylor Swift is the most important artist of the millennial era | Quartz

But it looks like this is the latest step in a one-woman crusade to defend the concept that music should be bought, rather than rented, preferably in the bundle known as the “album.”

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Apple Keynote 2014 september 9th Full HD (Official) | YouTube


If Apple can’t stream an iPhone 6 event, is there really an enterprise story? | ZDNet

Inside Apple’s Live Event Stream Failure, And Why It Happened: It Wasn’t A Capacity Issue | StreamingMedia.com

Learning from Apple’s livestream perf fiasco | perf.fail

… and you’ve just created a self-inflicted DDoS.

9月に行われたAppleスペシャルイベントのライブ中継障害はAppleが新たに導入したTwitter Feed付きのライブページが原因? | Appleちゃんねる

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[iTunes Festival at SXSW:image

John Gruber によれば・・・

Daring Fireball: “iOS 7.1 and the iTunes Festival at SXSW” by John Gruber: 04 March 2014

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iOS 7.1 と iTunes Festival

iOS 7.1 and the iTunes Festival at SXSW

米国で初めてのアップル iTunes Festival が来週の今日からオースティンの SXSW で始まる。アップルは新しいアプリでそのパフォーマンスを iOS デバイスへストリーミングする。しかし小ちゃな小鳥ちゃんから聞いたところでは、このアプリには iOS 7.1 が必要だという。(だからこのアプリはまだ出ていない。) — ということは iOS 7.1 はいつ出てもおかしくないということだ。

Apple’s first iTunes Festival in the U.S. starts a week from today at SXSW in Austin. Apple is going to stream the performances to iOS devices using an app, but I’ve heard from a little birdie that the app requires iOS 7.1 (which explains why the app isn’t out yet). That means iOS 7.1 should ship any day now.

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久しぶりの John Gruber のリーク・・・

★ →[原文を見る:Original Text

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