
Posts Tagged ‘Stewart Butterfield’


社内コミュニケーションツール(corporate chat tool)のベンチャー Slack が、1年で1日当たり50万アクティブユーザーを達成

CEO は「世界最速で伸びたビジネスアプリ」と豪語

Slack’s phenomenal growth in the year since its launch | Quartz

Slack turns one year old today. In its short but fascinating history, the startup has managed the remarkable feat of actually getting people excited about enterprise communication software. The company has more than 500,000 daily active users, and it’s adding tens of thousands more every each week.

“That’s our primary metric,” founder and CEO Stewart Butterfield tells Quartz. “If you’re not using Slack every single day, you’re not really using it.”

On Its First Birthday, Slack Declares Itself The “Fastest Growing Business App” Ever | BuzzFeed News

Happy Birthday Slack! And Stuff Stewart Says | Om Malik

国内外のベンチャーで大ブレイク中!社内チャットの「Slack」を徹底解説! | nanapiマーケティングマニア

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