
Posts Tagged ‘Our Drone Future’

[Our Drone Future | YouTube

Alex Cornell の空撮ビデオ『Our Drone Future』が興味深い・・・

Mashable: “Security Drones Dominate San Francisco, Then the City Fights Back” by Chris Taylor: 14 December 2013

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『Our Drone Future』

Our Drone Future』はデザイナー兼ミュージシャンの Alex Cornell が制作した。GoPro を搭載した DJI Phantom ドローンでサンフランシスコのランドマーク上空から空撮した。Cornell によれば撮影は「FAA 規則を自由に解釈して」行われたという。

The three-minute video above is called Our Drone Future, by designer and musician Alex Cornell. It was filmed on a GoPro attached to a DJI Phantom Drone and flown around San Francisco landmarks; Cornell says he shot it with “a liberal interpretation of FAA regulations.”

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Cornell の凄いところは撮影された映像に重ねられた音声にある。212(女性の声)という名のスパイドローンと姿の見えない国土安全保障省のオペレータ Ethan との会話がそれだ。ごく平凡な航空管制官とのやりとりのように聞こえるが、危機の予感を思わせるのだ。

The genius is in what Cornell layers on top of that footage: a conversation between an intelligent drone known only as 212 and her unseen Homeland Security operator, Ethan. The conversation is as mundane as air traffic control, but hints of menace start to poke through.

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We learn that the drone can scan for malicious intent; it can detect stress levels across an entire neighborhood and make a crime prediction a la Minority Report. She casually reveals herself to be weaponized. And in a twist ending, we learn that San Francisco “civilians” are also armed and starting to fight back against the drones. in a twist ending, we learn that San Francisco “civilians” are also armed and starting to fight back against the drones.

「『Our Drone Future』では、未来の空で存在感を増すドローンのテクノロジー、その可能性や目的を探っている」と Cornell は語る。ドローンが国土安全保障省のものだとハッキリはいわないが、ドローンの管制スクリーンにはそのロゴが表示されている。

Our Drone Future explores the technology, capability, and purpose of drones, as their presence becomes an increasingly pervasive reality in the skies of tomorrow,” writes Cornell. He doesn’t explicitly identify the drones as belonging to Homeland Security — but the HSA logo is right there on the drone control screen.

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名所の空撮ビデオに過ぎないものを、まったく次元の異なる不気味な近未来像に変えた Cornell の手腕には並々ならぬものを感じる・・・

★ →[ビデオを見る:YouTube

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